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Other draughtsmen employ Katers visual language
Ariane Glindemann and Olga Stepien (pupils, 2002)

Leo Wald setzt sich mit Hannes Katers Bildsprache auseinander / 2002

First attempt (collaborative work)

"When one has first become familiar with the symbols, it’s fine..."

"Then it’s a question of intricate work, we’re pretty perfectionist..."

"When drawing, we only had problems with the faces, the profiles... "

"The drawing is about our friendship, we have invented a new symbol for it - two hands. Car and plane represent vacation plans and soon we will unfortunately be separated."

"The two heads, left and right of the edge happened first: we wanted to represent with this, that we didn’t know what we could draw."

2. Attempt (Olga Stepien)

"I like wearing a hat, but it messes up my hair-. The lightning in the orange field represents this dilemna.s"

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