spacer 236 breit - für linke Spalte auf 240 aufsperren LetterAuftragszeichnungenspacer 236 breit - für linke Spalte auf 240 aufsperren
Nr. 11 - 15 Filzstiftzeichnungen auf Papier
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Auftragszeichnung  011
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Nr. 06 – 10
Nr. 11 – 15
Nr. 16 – 20
Nr. 21 – 25
Nr. 26 – 30
Nr. 31 – 35
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Alle Zeichnungen - Übersicht
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Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 11_1 - 151x195 Pixel

After living in Maui and having a friend that was so pure and nice I moved away to New York City. We haven’t spoken in 2 years. She wrote me to say she just got fake boobs.
My feelings are sad and disappointed. My friend has changed and done something I never thought she would consider.
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spacer Nr. 36 – 40
Nr. 41 – 45
Nr. 46 – 50
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Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 12_1 - 151x195 Pixel
I went to a bar, where I met a finish TV actress. She had no place to stay, because her boyfriend kicked her out of the apartment. I took her to my loft, by giving her a ride on my bicycle. She left to go to Finland the next day.

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spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hochspacer 14 Auftragszeichnung  013
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spacer 28 hoch Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 13_1 - 151x195 Pixel Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 13_2 - 151x195 Pixel
My life consist of a number of turning-points, where I suddenly se reality in a total new perspective... a perspective you never imagined could be...
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spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch Auftragszeichnung  014
spacer 28 hoch Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 14_1 - 151x195 Pixel
I search thru life for a solution to my need for an intimate relationship. What comes from my search is a series of relationships. The parts creating a whole of many perspectives. The gaps between the relationships are filled by me. By my art I make things that fill voids. Parts creating a whole.

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spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch Auftragszeichnung  015
spacer 28 hoch Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 15_1 - 151x195 Pixel
At the airport at 6:30 a.m. I can still feel his smell in my mouth.
Can't stop thinking about last night. Couldn't sleep at all, my body next to his, his sweat all over me.
I write a letter I'm going to e-mail him as soon as I get to New York.
I have one last cigarette before I board on a long flight. I fall asleep think about him.

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Pfeil runter Auftragszeichnungen
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