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Auftragszeichnung  036
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Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 36_1 - 151x195 Pixel

My most recent love affair ended badly. Every time that we were together, it rained. I fell in love with him one night at a thai restaurant. I was sitting in front of the window and it was storming violently outside. I don’t remember how the conversation started, but we were talking about trees. His eyes lit up behind his glasses as he told me about some trees in the Amazon that are as wide as a city block. The image of the baobab trees in the book "The Little Prince" popped up in my mind. "You’re exaggerating," I said. He was so giddy and enthusiastic, like a little kid. He admitted that he was exaggerating and it was over for me. I was completely charmed. We walked back to my apartment through the rain. In my dreams that night I saw a giant newborn infant. It rose up into my frame of vision and the instant it opened its eyes, I woke up. He was already awake and told me about his dream. He dreamed that he was leading a child by the hand through a forest filled with crashed cars and dead people, but the child couldn’t see any of it. I didn’t tell him about my dream, instead trying to figure out what it meant. Was it a coincidence that we both dreamt of children? What was the symbolism? Now he’s gone and I wonder if it meant nothing. I miss him.

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spacer 28 hoch spacer 14 Auftragszeichnung  037
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Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 37_1 - 151x195 Pixel
I met him at a dinner party. He was different and had a glowing aura around him. I was dressed in black…
We went out, he bought me drinks and asked for my phone number.
I live with him now and I am happy…
He is still strange sometimes and wired but I love him.

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spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hochspacer 14 Auftragszeichnung  038
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spacer 28 hoch Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 38_1 - 151x195 Pixel
I remember helping my parents bury our dog in the garden. It was a cold, raining night. I can still hear the distinct thud of the dirt hitting his collar.
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Auftragszeichnung  039
spacer 28 hoch Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 39_1 - 151x195 Pixel
Friend turns 35, had visions of where he'd be at that age. His professional life is not where he thought it would be, mainly because the new economy bubble burst while he was in grad school, and he was lucky to land a decent position. But the job now keeps him so busy that he has little time to think, read, or spend time with friends. His personal life is still a work in process also. He's with someone he'd like to commit to, but he's not sure what he wants, or what she wants, which prevents him from fully committing. So, he's meandering through Brooklyn Botanical Garden pondering what it means that his life at 35 is not what he imagined. He's not unhappy; he's simply on an edge that could take him different directions.

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spacer 28 hoch Auftragszeichnung  040
spacer 28 hoch spacer 28 hoch Hannes Kater: Auftragszeichnung Letter Nr. 140_1 - 151x195 Pixel
Es war Samstag. Sonne schien. Ich ging zum Flohmarkt. Viele Leute; alles bunt. Ich habe eine Frau getroffen – Unterhaltung über Porzellanvasen, alte deutsche Bücher, Frühling... Nach einer Weile sagte sie, sie habe ihre Tasche fertig gepackt: sie wird New York verlassen, sobald der Krieg anfängt.
Ich bin geblieben.

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