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Auftragszeichnung 021
I am 3 & a half years old. I am in my grandparents vineyard. It is summer and it is extremely hot. My grandmother and I are standing beneath a cherry tree. She is picking cherries for me because I cannot reach them. Suddenly I see a snake. I got scared for the rest of my life. And I dont eat cherries.
Auftragszeichnung 022
It took me many years to clear my mind of all its thoughts, but now I can say that it is completely empty.
Auftragszeichnung 023
When I was a child I got up at 6 am long before anyone else and I left the house, which was forbidden. When I was found, hours later by the riverbank, my parents said "Dont you know you are forbidden to leave the house on your own?" and I said that I wasnt alone but with ma imaginary friend, so I didnt get into any trouble.
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Auftragszeichnung 024
I said goodbye to my lover who is now flying to Paris. Now, I am alone in New York City, but I am happy.
Auftragszeichnung 025
I dont think I am able to recognize what is really happening to me, even if I keep thinking of it. Sometimes its very hard to see what is real and what just a fantasy as it melts all together, and if you make just one step to the different direction, things change rapidly. Maybe its just a question of an angel then, and I cant decide which one is the right one for me. But more I believe that there is no reality indeed and we are all directed by our imagination or by something else. I think I would be more happy, if I would just be here.